Wednesday, April 18, 2012

EME 6417 Reflection


Looking back
I can see the vastness of what I learned
In this past semester.
Every week, it was if I was a sponge
Now I see  
How each week we added to our ASSURE
And how it came to an end.

What will I take with me
When I teach virtually
What will I remember most
When I’m on my own?

I will keep
Multiple intelligences theory close
It’s what I believe in
And also
I will teach my students ‘bout copyright
And promote communication.

What will I take with me
When I teach virtually
What will I remember
When I’m teaching ?
Web apps and virtual tools
Can be used with online schools
Making lesson content more
Interactive too?

There’s a part that we might need to include:
to write the lesson how it will be viewed.

But this experience
In this class, in a sense,
Was the perfect culmination
Of my degree
Building upon my strengths
Adding to my knowledge banks
I feel I am well prepared
To teach class online.
I feel I am well prepared
To teach class online.