What is Web 2.0?
This first video is a screen capture of a PowerPoint I made introducing the topic of Web 2.0. Until I started the Instructional Design and Technology Master's Program two years ago, I had never even heard of the term Web 2.0. So I created this PowerPoint to help others understand just what it is that everyone's talking about. This PowerPoint was created entirely within PowerPoint. The graphics (computer, desk, pencil cup, etc.) were all created with the PowerPoint drawing tools. I used a photo of my hand and edited it with the PowerPoint photo tools. The music is arranged and recorded by Kevin McLeod, who has a great royalty-free music website: Incompetech Royalty-Free Music.
iPads in the Classroom: There's an App for That!
I did a lot of research on iPad apps - and boy, am I excited about what is available! Here are some samples of some things I created with FotoBabble, PhotoCard, and Educreations.
FotoBabble on iTunes
FotoBabble allows you to add a recording to a picture. Pictures can be emailed or embedded in websites and blogs. Here are two examples I created with the FotoBabble app.
FotoBabble allows you to add a recording to a picture. Pictures can be emailed or embedded in websites and blogs. Here are two examples I created with the FotoBabble app.
I also made this on FotoBabble as well - and I used their tools to add "stickers" and writings on the photo.
Educreations Website
Educreations on iTunes
This next little video was created on Educreations, which is a kind of white board for the iPad.
Bill Atkinson's PhotoCards
This next app, Bill Atkinson's PhotoCards, is an app that has a lot of potential. Imagine what your students could create and write about with this app. Here is an example I made:
iPad Articles and Links
This link will take you to the Nerdy Teacher's blog, specifically to an article entitled "Using My iPad in the Classroom this Year".
This article lists "20 Amazing iPad Apps for Educators".
This blog has a lot of useful ideas and tricks to enable teachers to use their iPads more effectively in the classroom.
This online presentation (on Google Docs) gives examples of how to use iPads in a classroom setting.
This site, by ZDnet lists 50 sites with iPad ideas, but not necessarily lesson ideas.
Thousands of iPad apps are reviewed at this site.
iPad links and other educational materials can be found here.
This site is from Australia, but has a lot of good content here.
PowerPoint Videos
I am working on a tutorial about how to use some of the more advanced features of PowerPoint, such as custom animation, photo editing, and drawing tools. During the process of creating the PowerPoint, I did some screen captures of how to draw a free form line, how to animate the line, and how to create a matching interaction animation. Those videos, which will be included in the PowerPoint, are here.
Making a FreeForm line in PowerPoint
Adding Animation to a FreeForm line in PowerPoint
Using animation to create an activity similar to Matching in PowerPoint.
Widgets, and Gadgets, and Blogs - Oh, My!
I also did quite a bit of searching for useful widgets and gadgets for schools. Widgets are little applications that users can embed on websites or blogs that make the blog more informative, interactive or interesting. (For instance, on this blog's homepage, there is a widget that count the number of page views my blog has had.) Here is a list of websites that contain widgets or links to widgets that stood out in a big way.
Cool Tools for Schools Widgets
EduBlogs Widgets
Ed Week Widgets
Imagine Learning
Mission to Learn
Online Web Gadgets
Point 2 Education Widgets for Your Website
Surf Net Kids Widgets
Surfing the Net with Kids Widgets
Teacher Vision
Cool Links
The following websites stood out when I was searching for Web 2.0 Apps.
Check This
This site is somewhat of a virtual bulliten board. Put up your content, click Publish and share the link with anyone. No sign-in needed.
This is like a personal or collaborative bulletin board.
Pirate Pad
This site allows users to use a synchronous white board environment to collaborate.
Todays Meet
This site is a simple, virtual meeting room.
Cool Tools for Schools
This site is a wonderful collection of web 2.0 resources for teachers.
This is a place where teachers can go to get and share resources.
Big Marker
I love Big Marker! This is a free, fun, collaborative interactive whiteboard, able to handle groups in a synchronous environment.
Edudemic 35 best web tools
This site lists the 35 best educational web tools chosen by teachers.
This site is a collection of web 2.0 tools separated into categories.
Lots of resources here!
101 Web 2.0 tools
This site, created by the Online Educational Database offers a list of - of all things - 101 web 2.0 tools.
Web Guru Top 20 Web 2.0 Tools
This site offers a list of the top 20 must-haves for 21st Century classrooms.
This is an online mind-mapping web 2.0 tool.
This is a non-profit organization whos mission is to reduce the cost of textbook materials in the K-12 market.
Cool Tools for Schools - Presentations
This link will take you to the Cool Tools for Schools website page that is specific to presentation web 2.0 tools.
Mission to Learn 100+ free learning sites
This site lists over 100 (and counting) free places to learn online.
Free Resources for Education
This site boasts over 1400 free educational resources - updated regularly.
Teacher Vision
Teacher Vision provides technology resources for teachers in over 10 categories.
Ideas to Inspire
This site has presentations acoss the curriculum.
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