Hi Everyone!
I began my Master’s Degree last summer. I wasn’t sure if I had enough brains to handle the program, but I summoned the courage and followed the proverbial Yellow Brick Road to find my heart’s desire. I have to admit that I haven’t exactly been skipping the whole time, but during this term, I have finally settled into the routine, and I feel like I am finally in the right place.
There’s no place like home, right?
The following short video sums up my experience with Educational Technology thus far. (For those of you who are not in my class, my professor is Dr. Kelvin Thompson and the Ed Tech Graduate Advisor is Dr. Glenda Gunter, who is my instructor in another class.)
Lyrics to Somewhere On the Computer
Somewhere on the computer typing fast
There’s a teacher in grad school writing about her past.
Somewhere on the World Wide Web is her blog
That she wrote all her musings and her assignments on.
Someday she’ll be back in a class
And show her kids the net en masse and teach them
The proper way to search for stuff
So they will know what’s good, not fluff
On Google and Yahoo.
Somewhere out on the web is her wiki
And the page that she made to write her biography.
My knowledge won’t just disappear,
I know I’ll use it, now and every year!
As my class comes to an end, I intend to keep adding to this blog. I want to thank my instructor, Dr. Kelvin Thompson, for showing me what great online teaching is like. You were always available to answer questions and you went above and beyond to make your instructions clear. In addition, thanks to my classmates who taught me, shared with me and encouraged me. Best of luck to you all!
~ Christi S.